Payment plan #1 enrollment begins August 2 and ENDS on September 5.
Payment plan #2 enrollment begins September 6 and ENDS on October 5.
Payment plan #1 enrollment begins January 2 and ENDS on January 23.
Payment plan #2 enrollment begins January 24 and ENDS on Febuary 23.
Williston State College offers a monthly payment plan that allows you to pay for your tuition, 书店, 房间 and board in four installments. Enrolling is quick and easy and the best part is if you sign up for automatic payments, the enrollment fee is waived.
- 登录 Campus Connection
- 点击 Financial Account 瓷砖
- 点击 立即网上支付
It may take up to a minute to connect to your account in NelNet
From the front page, you can view information for any campus from which you have account activity
- 点击 Enroll in 付款计划
- Select 任期
If you are enrolled at multiple institutions, you will also need to select Williston State. 然后单击 Select. If this is the correct payment plan you would like to enroll in, you will click Select 再一次。.
You can also click Details to get more information regarding the payment plan.
- Make sure to sign up for Automatic Payments to waive that Enrollment Fee